Sell My Invention - Kroger Stores Vendor

Sell My Invention to Kroger

Do you have a product that is perfect to sell to Kroger stores?

Have you ever wondered what it would take to get a product into their Kroger stores? If so, you will love this short training segment on how to sell your product to Kroger and becoming a Kroger vendor!

In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer such as Kroger. Hope it helps! 🙂

(For those of you who prefer to read this content, transcripts are included below!)

Podcast: Download (Duration: 6:20)

Transcript of This Training…

How to Sell to Kroger & Become a Kroger Vendor

Learn everything you need to know to become a Kroger vendor

This is Karen Waksman, founder of Retail MBA. And in this particular blog, we’re going to talk about getting your products sold at Kroger’s.

The reason I decided to create this particular blog is because I teach thousands of product companies across the country on the subject of selling to retailers and I deal with a lot of product companies who really just need some help trying to figure out how to get products into stores.

They ask me questions like:

  • “How do I get into Kroger’s?”
  • “What do I need to know?”
  • “What are some things to think about?”

What you can sell to Kroger

Kroger’s is a massive company. They have convenient stores, jewelry stores, department stores. They have thousands of different stores and all of these different brands under Kroger. There can also be massive opportunities for you to sell into Kroger’s.

Let’s talk about somethings to think about with regards to working with Kroger. When you think about Kroger, most people want to sell some food products there, but today, we are focusing on people who care about food stuff because that’s usually what gets people thinking about Kroger.

If you become a Kroger vendor it will be a tremendous opportunity for your business

If you have a product that’s perfect for a supermarket like Kroger’s, there are lots of ways to make money with Kroger because they buy in volume. One way you can do it is take your branded product, the product that you made in your own packaging, reach out to them and try to get your product into Kroger stores as you own the product as your own brand.

There are many advantages once you become a Kroger vendor

However, there’s another way to make money with Kroger and that’s private label. What that basically mean, if Kroger interested you have the ability to actually sell your product to Kroger through their own branded product line. Kroger has a brand that’s specifically designed for Kroger. That’s their own brand and that is different than selling your product directly to them. Essentially, under their brand name, you could sell your product to Kroger. Now, why would you remove your brand off your product to sell under Kroger’s brand name, under private label option? The main reason is that they buy lots and lots of volume for their stores under their private label branded name.

Once you become a Kroger vendor they will buy more products

If you walk into a supermarket and you see on the shelf the product with the brands and you see the Kroger version, it’s usually little bit cheaper. Kroger does that on purpose because there are some customers who only buy the cheap product because they don’t care about brands. Kroger has to support that customer base and some people do care about brand, and some people don’t.

What happens If you sell to Kroger under their brand name

You will not get the recognition that some people really care about, but because they are putting into their own brand name, that means massive sales for you potentially and you can make lots of money because they put lots of products in their stores constantly and fulfilling that under their own brand names.

Private label is a great option with food products if you’re cool with giving up your brand for that particular retailer.

How to get your products into Kroger local retail stores & become a Kroger vendor

The good news with the private label on is that you don’t have to do this for every retailer. If you have reached out to Kroger and tried to become a vendor directly with your product and they’re not interested in your particular brand. You can consider selling it as a private label option and you can actually go to the separate buyer who deals with private label and you could conceivably sell your product to Kroger. That’s another potential revenue stream if you’re open to it. They might sell your product to a cheaper price point but they’ll buy lots more up to their product because it’s under their brand name.

Learn more strategies on how to sell to Kroger  & make more money

If you want to make more money with Kroger you need to consider the private label option, if you do that in Kroger’s interest in your product they’ll provide, tell you how to get packaging. You’d have to get your product package under their brand. It’s an amazing opportunity for you to make money and grow your business. Some companies, works with certain retailers under private label option and that pays for everything else that they do to try and grow business in other ways. They’re giving up their brand name because they make money and it help grow their business and then they don’t have to do for every retailer again.

How to become a kroger vendor

Learn how to approach, pitch & sell to Kroger stores

If you’d like to learn more about private label versus getting your product in stores directing all the different ways of exactly how to approach, pitch and sell to these retailers, you can do that like a pirate label, you would probably love my retail MBA program.

If you are interested in selling to retailers such as Kroger and they definitely are constantly growing a private label division and it’s just something to think about.

What you need to know as a Kroger supplier

It’s the most comprehensive course available today on the subject on How To Sell In Stores. If you wanna learn more about how to sell to Kroger there’s a link below to explain further. I hope that I provided value for you. I would love to work with you and please be on the lookout for the other training series  that I’m creating on how to sell to individual retailers such as Kroger. I hope that helps.

Retail MBA Training Program Karen Waksman

Step-by-step training on how to sell your inventions today!

We explain exactly how to do that and how to get started today. I’ve taught 100’s of thousands of companies on how to get products into major retailers, online Retailers, Catalogs, Small Retailers and Much More! . And so we’re here to support you. 

We are here to expedite the process of making money with your inventions and that’s what we’re all about.  Take a look at our advanced trainings and so much more.

In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂

Karen Waksman,

Questions? Contact Us!
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Here are 4 Easy Ways to Work with Us:

 1) Free Training – If You Would Like to Join Our Next FREE Webinar Training Called “Retail Chain Store Secrets – How to Sell to Major Retail Chains. No Experience Required” Then Sign Up NOW To Learn All About Selling into Retail Chains By Clicking Here!

2) Retail 4 Week Challenge Intensives  Want to Join our 4 Week Elite Masterclass Intensive? These Intensives Are EPIC for people who Love Fast Paced Learning – Homework, Retail Coaching, Developing Your Strategy, Buyers Contacts and More! These Events Are Held Every Quarter. This if for people who have products ideal for Major Retailers. It’s part of our Sister Companies Retail MBA systems! Join us by Clicking Here:

3) Done-for-You Program – If You Want Karen Waksman and Her Team to Pitch Your Top Dream Retail Chains On Your Behalf – And You Have a Retail-Ready Invention, Check Out our Epic Done-For-You Service (Retail MBA) by Clicking Here:

Thanks so much.

And…if you like this training, you will love these new short training sessions as well! Click on the links provided to watch and grow your consumer product business TODAY!

How to Sell to Kroger & Become a Kroger Vendor
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How to Sell to Kroger & Become a Kroger Vendor
Do you have a product that is perfect for Kroger? Have you ever wondered what it would take to get a product into their stores? If so, you will love this short training segment on how to sell your product to Kroger and becoming a Kroger vendor!
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