Do you have arts and crafts inventions that you want to sell into retail chains? Have you ever wanted to sell to Michaels Stores and More?
If so you will love this new training on Arts and Crafts Inventions – How to Sell Your Arts and Crafts Inventions to Retail Chains! No Experience Required!
In this video, we explain what to do and how to get started today!
So with that said, let’s talk about arts and crafts inventions.
First of all, if you are thinking about selling to chain stores and getting your products into stores, the one thing you’ll note is that for arts and crafts, they like kits these days. Kits means packaged varietal of products into one group in a box or something like that. And so they like these little packages where somebody can go and find a kit. Maybe they’re teaching kids how to create flowers in their garden or whatever it is. They like kits these days. Can you create one with your product? There’s a lot of money to be had these days with gift sets kits, etc.
Creating Arts and Crafts Product Kits for Retail
When you do that, you can sell into retailers across the globe, because it’s also a great gift product. So there’s how to create sprouts for your own home, how to create bracelets. These little kits are sold at bookstores and Walgreens and Walmarts, and it’s in the game section. It’s also in the craft sections. You can really kind of expand and grow. Is that possible for your product?
One thing that a lot of people do with arts and crafts products is they try to sell to just say Michael’s stores or Joanne’s or whatever, and that’s fantastic, but maybe go beyond those retailers. There’s so many other retailers that can buy your product depending on how you package it and how you price it. If you create kits, if you create bundled packs, whatever it is, there’s so many other retailers that sell those products. I’ve mentioned some already. You can even sell at ACE Hardware, 7-11. They can do a lot of stuff with arts and crafts products and so forth. So don’t think just beyond those two retailers, and a lot of times for niche retailers, they tend to reject more just because of the fact that you’re dealing with buyers who are looking at the same product all day, every day, and have seen every type of art and craft product on the planet. But a lot your competitors are not thinking about selling into other types of chain stores.
I’ve seen people sell all sorts of products into even Ross stores and all sorts of other retailers that can make you a lot of money. Department stores, certain times of the year, holidays, can you repackage it in different colors so that it could be for Mother’s Day, whatever it is. It could be varietal and so forth.
Back-To-School Category For Arts and Crafts Products
Don’t forget back to school. A lot of products for kids and stuff going back to school. And that’s a great place to sell your arts and crafts products, in different section of the store sometimes. And that’s a revenue generator. It’s actually buyers who buy products for back to school and that’s something to consider. For your case because there’s so many different types of companies competing with you, differentiation is key. So there’s a lot of big players in the market. And you’re just going to have to think about what is it that’s different and unique about my product. Go to stores, walk around, look at their product assortment. How can I make myself bigger, better cooler in some way? Again, for instance, if you’re going to stores and you’re selling paint, look at what’s going on with paint and then see, can my product go… Can you make it a 12-pack instead of a 6-pack? Can you make the price better? I don’t know. Can you repackage it again in different kits or whatever it is, but try and play with differentiation. That’s really going to help you out.
Don’t ignore random retailers. I mentioned that, but again, there’s so many stores that could sell your product. The way to find out is just to jump in your car or go online and find retailers that are well beyond your scope. We teach people how to go after stores to dramatically scale and improve their businesses and their bottom line. And one thing that we do know is the more differentiation you get in terms of the types of retailers that you go after, the less competition there is. And the more opportunity there is for you.
Quick Tips and Strategies for the Arts and Crafts Category in Retail
So if I can give you any quick tips and strategies for the arts and crafts category, it’s really to think beyond what everybody else is doing. I mentioned a lot of different ways that you can sell to retailers. What if you have face paint? Could you sell it to the Halloween stores? During the seasonal time of year, there’s so many cool ways to generate revenue with consumer products brands. What about online? There’s so many kids channels and things like that that you can sell into. It’s a different ball game, but definitely a revenue generator. Again, there’s endless ways to sell an arts and crafts product.
With that said, if you’d like to learn exactly how to approach, pitch, and sell to retailers, how to get them to buy, take a look at our free webinar that’s coming up. All you got to do is go to and sign up for our next one. 90 minutes, we’re talking, supporting you, answering questions and so forth, very powerful, and people love our trainings.
Also, if want support directly with your product, we have everything listed on retail We have done for you programs, do-it-yourself programs, where we teach you how to go after stores, or we do it for you. We have one day live events intensives. We have 30-day masterclasses that happen quarterly. These are all listed on And we’d happy to support you. We have buyer lists, contacts and so forth.
Or if you’d like to learn more about our clients’ successes, go to and click on testimonials and you get to see all the cool products they have gotten in stores because of our supportive step-by-step formulas.
Anyways, if you like this information, please subscribe to this channel. Comment below. Like this post. Tell your friends. Keep in touch with us. We’re always creating new content. This is Karen Waksman, Retail MBA. So excited to support you in your quest of selling into retailers. Thanks so much.
To your success,
Karen Waksman, Retail MBA Brands

Step-by-step training on how to sell your inventions today!
We explain exactly how to do that and how to get started today. I’ve taught 100’s of thousands of companies on how to get products into major retailers, online Retailers, Catalogs, Small Retailers and Much More! . And so we’re here to support you.
We are here to expedite the process of making money with your inventions and that’s what we’re all about. Take a look at our advanced trainings and so much more.
In this training, I will discuss some of the things to think about when approaching a retailer to sell your products and become a vendor. Hope it helps! 🙂
Karen Waksman,
Questions? Contact Us!
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Email: karen (at) provides a step-by-step formula on How to Sell to Major Retailers, Online Retailers, Smaller Retailers, Catalogs and More. No Experience Required! These solutions continue to convert for clients year-over-year! These are Time-Tested and Proven Strategies that we utilize ourselves when going after stores! Everything we teach, we test. Want access to these formulas? ANY one of our programs and coaching systems gives you access to them now. With that said…
Here are 4 Easy Ways to Work with Us:
1) Free Training – If You Would Like to Join Our Next FREE Webinar Training Called “Retail Chain Store Secrets – How to Sell to Major Retail Chains. No Experience Required” Then Sign Up NOW To Learn All About Selling into Retail Chains By Clicking Here!
2) Retail 4 Week Challenge Intensives – Want to Join our 4 Week Elite Masterclass Intensive? These Intensives Are EPIC for people who Love Fast Paced Learning – Homework, Retail Coaching, Developing Your Strategy, Buyers Contacts and More! These Events Are Held Every Quarter. This if for people who have products ideal for Major Retailers. It’s part of our Sister Companies Retail MBA systems! Join us by Clicking Here:
3) Done-for-You Program – If You Want Karen Waksman and Her Team to Pitch Your Top Dream Retail Chains On Your Behalf – And You Have a Retail-Ready Invention, Check Out our Epic Done-For-You Service (Retail MBA) by Clicking Here:
Thanks so much.
And…if you like this training, you will love these new short training sessions as well! Click on the links provided to watch and grow your consumer product business TODAY!